Ennis Texas is a truly historic community in Texas; Ennis's downtown district is considered a National Historic attraction which really makes Ennis a unique and interesting town. Ennis strives to maintain any and all history that happened in Ennis and that gives Ennis a nice old-town feel that few cities offer anymore. Currently downtown Ennis still has some of the original buildings and brick roads that are leftover memories of years past in this small Texas town.
Despite cherishing their history Ennis still offers plenty of modern convenience as well. There are dozens of businesses and companies in Ennis and there are always jobs available in nearby cities as well. Currently around 19,000 people live in this small town which clearly means there is something attractive about the city. Perhaps one of the best things about Ennis is the location; Ennis is only about 40 miles south of downtown Dallas which puts it well within driving distance for anyone looking to commute to Dallas every day for work. This also means that there is plenty to do within short drive as Ennis, Dallas, and dozens more cities and towns are easily reachable using the various highways in the area. Waco Texas is also only about 75 miles away as well which makes it accessible as well as long as you're willing to drive for a while; Waco is quite a popular weekend outing or shopping trip for many in the Ennis area.
Overall Ennis is a great town. The history and historic focus of the town makes people remember where the town came from but at the same time Ennis has more than enough modern amenities available as well. There are 2 big cities within a relatively short drive as well and dozens more suburban cities and towns neighbor Ennis directly. There are plenty of businesses and job opportunities in the area as well and being a residential suburb there are always homes and apartments available as well. Ennis is definitely worth taking a look at if you would like to live in a suburban area that is slightly further away from the city, fortunately because Ennis is slightly further out of Dallas it is also slightly less expensive as well which makes it a good option for anyone looking to save a little money when choosing a new hometown. However if you are looking for a suburb that is closer to Dallas then Ennis might not be the best option for you as it is still quite a distance away.